Workday Student Sneak Peeks is a series of monthly webinars to help you get familiar with Workday Student and the changes to come.
Each 90-minute webinar focuses on a different aspect of the new system. We’ll offer two live sessions each month and will post recordings following the second session.
This series is designed for faculty, staff and graduate students who teach, advise or support students in any capacity. All instructors, registrars, advisors and departmental administrators are encouraged to attend, as well as those who manage course and curriculum information, student financials or financial aid.
While everyone is welcome to attend any session, the webinar descriptions will help you choose the best topics for your role.
Additional sessions are planned for spring 2025.
Upcoming Sneak Peeks
Registration from the Student Perspective (September, repeat from June)
Helping Students Navigate Their Financial Information in Workday (September)
The Future of Student Data (October)
End-of-Semester Activities (November)
Previous Sneak Peeks
Register Now
Registration from the Student Perspective
Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1-2:30 p.m.
This is a repeat performance of our June 2024 webinar. All are welcome to register for this offering, but those who attended previously do not need to attend again.
During this Sneak Peek, you’ll get an overview of the Workday Student registration process and see how students will use the new tools to do tasks such as:
- Make registration appointments
- Register from a saved schedule
- Get into courses from waitlists
This webinar will benefit all faculty and instructors, advisors, departmental administrators/coordinators, and those who maintain course and curriculum information, including the Bulletin.
Maximize your learning:
Take advantage of these resources for helpful background information:
- Registration & Curriculum webpage: Read about Workday Student’s tools for registration and course management.
Helping Students Navigate Their Financial Information in Workday
Choose one: Tuesday, Sept. 17, 9-10:30 a.m. | Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1-2:30 p.m.
This session is intended to provide an overview of student financials in Workday. We encourage advisors and others in student-facing roles to come and learn about the financial tools your students will use. While those in financial-related roles are welcome, this presentation will be most relevant for those who will support students as they learn to use the new system.
During the webinar, you’ll see how a student views their financial account and completes essential financial transactions like making a payment, receiving a refund or viewing a past due balance hold. You’ll also see what financial tasks a student will need to complete during the student onboarding process.
This session is intended to provide an overview of financials in Workday for those who do not support financial-related activities as part of their day-to-day responsibilities.
Maximize your learning:
Take advantage of these resources for helpful background information:
- Student Financials & Financial Aid webpage: Review Workday Student’s finance functionality
The Future of Student Data
choose one: Tuesday, Oct. 8, 9-10:30 a.m. | Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1-2:30 p.m.
Learn about the future of reporting on student data using tools in Workday together with WashU’s Data Warehouse. You’ll understand how to access data in Workday and the Data Warehouse and what data will be available in each, preview new tools for analysis, and understand how to conduct longitudinal reporting on current and past student data. You’ll also see demonstrations of key reports in Workday, including the Student Report Catalog, which indexes all available student-related reports for easy navigation.
This webinar will benefit all faculty and staff who will use Workday Student, especially those who collect and analyze data for schools and units.
Maximize your learning:
Take advantage of these resources for helpful background information:
- Reporting in Workday webpages: Learn more about reporting functionality in Workday
- Data Governance webpage: Understand how WashU is developing common definitions for academic and student-related terminology that appears in reports
- Data at WashU website: Academic and student data not available in Workday can be found in WashU’s Data Warehouse. Learn more.
End-of-Semester Activities
Choose one: Tuesday, Nov. 5, 9-10:30 a.m. | Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1-2:30 p.m.
You’ll understand how Workday supports key end-of-semester activities, including how a student applies for program completion, how to verify a student is ready to graduate, and academic standing. We’ll also share information about changes to grade policies, including incompletes.
This webinar will benefit instructors, advisors, school registrars, departmental administrators/coordinators, as well as anyone who verifies completion of degree requirements. Graduate students who teach should also attend.
Maximize your learning:
Take advantage of these resources for helpful background information:
- Sunrise Spotlight grading article: Learn about key grading changes with Workday Student.
Previous Sneak Peeks
Workday Student 101: Get to Know Our New Student Information System
This session covered foundational topics, concepts, and terms that you’ll need to know in Workday and to prepare for future Sneak Peeks. Hear why WashU is moving to Workday Student, how the transition impacts you, and steps you can take now to get ready. Also see how to navigate the new system to find key information, tasks and reports.
This webinar will benefit all faculty and staff, as well as graduate students who teach.
Maximize your learning:
Take advantage of these resources for helpful background information:
- About webpage: Learn how Student Sunrise is addressing current challenges.
- Workday Student webpage: Learn which academic functions Workday will support.
- Workday Student 101 webpage: Review new concepts and terms in Workday.
- Workday Student Reporting webpage: Understand how Workday organizes data into readable reports.
Navigating the Student Profile
This session covered how to support students by using information in their Workday profile. In this Sneak Peek webinar, you will learn:
- How to navigate the student profile
- How student workers will appear in Workday
- What determines whether a student has an active or inactive record
- What Workday onboarding is and how some of the information provided during onboarding appears on the student profile
This webinar will benefit all faculty and staff, as well as graduate students who teach.
Maximize your learning:
Take advantage of these resources for helpful background information:
- About webpage: Learn how Student Sunrise is addressing current challenges.
- Workday Student webpage: Learn which academic functions Workday will support at WashU.
- Workday Student 101 webpage: Review new concepts and terms in Workday.
- Workday Student Reporting webpage: Understand how Workday organizes data into readable reports.
Advising Students in Workday
Workday Student will organize student advising and support together in one system. This Sneak Peek webinar will give you the details, including:
- A tour of the advisor dashboard, which includes reports and tasks
- How students are grouped and assigned to advisors
- Types of advisor roles and their relationship to a student
- Making and viewing advising notes
This webinar will benefit all faculty and staff advisors, those who support students outside the classroom, school registrars, departmental administrators/coordinators and the Division of Student Affairs.
Maximize your learning:
Take advantage of these resources for helpful background information:
- Advising webpage: Explore how WashU plans to use Workday Student as the universal tool for advising and degree audit.
- Previous Sneak Peek recordings and Q&A
Managing Courses in Workday
This webinar covers how courses are set up and managed within the new system. We’ll review course management from the perspective of school registrars, course managers as well as those who teach courses. We’ll also discuss:
- Course numbering
- Tools to help manage course enrollment, like pre- and co-requisites
- How students and advisors will find courses
This webinar will benefit school registrars, faculty and staff who teach or advise students, those who support student financials and/or financial aid, and those who maintain course and curriculum information, including the Bulletin.
Maximize your learning:
Take advantage of these resources for helpful background information:
- Managing Course Sections and Enrollment webpage: Learn how administrators will maintain course offerings and student eligibility in Workday Student.
- Previous Sneak Peek recordings and Q&A
Academic Planning – Tools to Help Students Stay on Track to Graduation
Learn about Workday’s academic planning tools to help students stay on track to graduation. In this webinar, you’ll learn how an advisor completes key tasks, such as viewing a student’s academic history and requirements, reviewing academic plans and templates, searching for course sections and tracking a student’s academic progress.
We’ll also demonstrate how students will search for and add courses to academic plans and saved schedules.
This webinar will benefit all advisors, including faculty advisors, school registrars and departmental administrators/coordinators.
Maximize your learning:
Take advantage of these resources for helpful background information:
- Advising webpage: Explore how WashU plans to use Workday Student as the universal tool for advising and degree audit.
- Planning for Registration webpage: Learn how students find course offerings and prepare for registration.
- Previous Sneak Peek recordings and Q&A