How will I get my reports that use academic units?
You will continue using Workday reports and dashboards to access the most up-to-date data inside Workday; that is not changing for reports that use academic units. What may change, depending on your school’s AU structure, are some academic units that may be inactivated or moved to a different part of the structure. Academic units should not be used for administrative or reporting purposes (e.g., Office of the Registrar, Provost’s Office, a school’s business office, etc.) but rather be used only for schools, departments, divisions, and any other entity that admits students, offers programs of study, or offers courses. Academic appointments for faculty are a common exception, rather than a primary reason, to create an AU.
You will also use WashU’s data warehouse for reporting and analytics that require pulling data from multiple systems. For example, when running a report that requires data from Workday Student (enrollment data) and from PowerFAIDS (financial aid data) you would use the data warehouse.