Workday Student’s registration and course management tools will enable greater transparency, consistency and automation.

WashU will use Workday for the following curriculum and registration-related activities and policies:


  • Student registration and pre-registration planning, supported by advising
  • Registration management, including appointments, waitlists, overrides, drops and reserving seats
  • Course and course section creation and maintenance, including components like course tags (attributes), subjects, meeting patterns, pre- and co-requisites
  • Instructor assignments, including instructor eligibility and managing instructor load
  • Publishing course descriptions in the Bulletin

Upcoming webinars

Join us for the Workday Student Sneak Peeks series to get familiar with the new system and what’s changing, including how we manage registration and course information.


  • Enrollment policies, including which courses a student can register for and the maximum number of units in which a student can enroll
  • Course attempt and repeat/retake policies

Key terms

In Workday, a course section is the specific instance of a course for which a student registers during a given academic period. It has a meeting pattern, instructional format, instructor, etc. Course sections are “children” of courses, which contain core information like course title, course number, description, and pre- or co-requisites.

Key changes  

Planning for registration

Students will have access to new tools in Workday to track their academic progress and support their registration planning efforts. Within the academic progress area of a student’s profile, students can see a list of all the requirements for their program(s) of study, including required courses, minimum grades for those courses, GPA and total credit hours. Students can use these requirements as a guide when developing saved schedules and academic plans.

Learn more about how students will find course offerings and prepare for registration »

Registration timing

With Workday, there will be two separate windows during which students can register for courses for an upcoming academic period, with a schedule finalization period in between. Additionally, all registration appointments can begin at the same time for a given student class/year of matriculation, eliminating the need for a registration appointment lottery in Workday.

Learn more about when students can register »

Making changes to student schedules

Workday will change how students make changes to their course schedule, including how they waitlist for courses and how enrollment credit hour limits are enforced.

Learn more about how students can add, drop or swap courses »

Managing course sections and enrollment

In Workday, there are several new tools to manage who can register for what, including rules defining who is eligible to take a course, reserved seats for specific populations, and more.

Learn more about changes for administrators »


SIS web applications WebFAC, used by faculty for entering and approving final grades, and WebSTAC, used by students for registering for courses, will be replaced by Workday Student. Workday will connect with other systems to exchange data related to rosters, classroom assignments, course materials, instructor evaluations and updating the Bulletin. 


In general, users will be able to view and report on the same types of data in Workday as they do in our current systems for curriculum and registration. The primary difference in Workday will be the consolidation of data in one system, which should reduce the need to combine data from multiple systems using external tools like Excel, Access or other databases. The move to a single student administrative system also should eliminate certain audit reports currently used to ensure that data “matches” in multiple systems, i.e., SIS and WUCRSL.

Related Resources

Current state assessment

Sunrise project work related to advising is informed by a curriculum management & registration current state assessment developed during the Discovery Phase.  


These articles are from past issues of Sunrise Spotlight, the project’s newsletter.

View all articles or sign up to receive future issues

Supporting students during registration

Supporting students during registration
Students will register in Workday for the first time April 15-18. If you are an advisor, instructor, program coordinator, or support students in another way, students may come to you with questions. Find resources you can share with students to support them through the registration process here.

Making sense of course numbers

Making sense of course numbers
WashU will adopt a universal four-digit course numbering system to indicate course progression and to support curriculum management in Workday Student.